This is where you can find tournaments or events promoted, sponsored, or managed by Pickleball 4 U Development

Please note that all times for tournaments/events are Eastern Time.

Spring Gimli Pickleball Tournament
to May 11

Spring Gimli Pickleball Tournament

Registration begins March 10 at 9am Central Time. One person (only) signs up doubles teams. This tourney may fill up quickly, so consider registering asap. If you have any questions about this tourney, contact Jason at 807-629-6211.

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Diadem / Fresh Air Demo Day

Diadem / Fresh Air Demo Day

Meet Jason Horychuk and Dan Peerenboom, Thunder Bay and surrounding area’s highest level pickleball coaches.

Test out Diadem pickleball equipment and get some pointers on our demo court right in Fresh Air.

All Diadem products are 20% off during the event!

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